The SMU Business Society (BONDUE)
1. This regulation governs the formation and management of the Singapore Management University (SMU) Business Students’ Society – The SMU Business Society (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”).
2. The Society shall be the Constituent Body (CBd) for all matriculated Business students and the Society’s other members, where applicable.
3. The Society shall be established by the University Student Life Committee (USLC) and shall constitute no less than 50 members.
4. The Society shall be managed by a Management Committee (MC) elected by its members.
5. The MC shall comprise a minimum of 5 committee members and may increase in proportion to the Society’s membership, in accordance to the guideline that the ratio of the MC members to the total number of membership be 1:100 or part thereof. Notwithstanding this guideline:
(a) 5 MC members shall be elected should the Society’s membership not exceed 400 members.
(b) A maximum of 15 MC members shall be elected, consisting of Executive Members and Co-Opt Executive Members, should the Society’s membership exceed 1,500 members.
6. The Society’s MC shall have powers to co-opt additional members for the proper administration of the CBd, subject to the limit of 3 co-opted members. Co-opted members shall have voting rights.
7. Elections of the MC is subject to the Society’s internal regulations but must be completed by the end of the tenth week of the new academic year.
8. The President of the Society together with the Student Association’s Executive Committee members shall form the Students’ Association Council.
9. This Constitution shall be subject to the Constitution of the Singapore Management University Students’ Association. In the event of any inconsistency between the two, the terms of the Constitution of the SMU Students’ Association shall prevail.
ARTICLE 1 – Name
The name of the Singapore Management University Business Students’ Society shall be “The SMU Business Society”, hereinafter referred to as the “Society”.
“Association” means the Singapore Management University’s Students’ Association.
“Council” means the Singapore Management University’s Students’ Association Council.
“Management Committee” unless otherwise indicated refers to the Executive Committee members of The SMU Business Society.
“Member” unless otherwise indicated refers to all persons whose names are registered and recorded in The SMU Business Society’s Register of Members.
“Office of Student Life” means the Director of the Office of Student Life and/or any such officer overseeing the relevant issue(s).
“President” unless otherwise indicated shall mean the President of The SMU Business Society’s Management Committee.
“University” unless otherwise indicated shall mean the Singapore Management University.
ARTICLE 2 – Place of Business
1. The Society’s place of business shall be at the Singapore Management University or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Management Committee and approved by the University Student Life Committee (USLC).
2. The Society shall carry out its activities only in places and premises, which have prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.
ARTICLE 3 – Objects
The objects of the Society are as follows:
1. To inculcate a sense of identity, nurture bonds, and foster cohesiveness amongst members affiliated to the School of Business.
2. To promote interaction between the School of Business’ Dean, Faculty, Alumni, Staff and Members of the Society.
3. To promote the welfare of members affiliated to the School of Business.
4. To serve as the channel for direct communication between faculty and students of the School of Business.
5. To advance the Society’s members’ interests and competencies in all fields relevant and/or related to the area of Business Management.
6. To conduct other activities the Management Committee deems appropriate to the interests of the Society.
ARTICLE 4 – Membership
1. Membership is open to all persons affiliated to the School of Business.
2. All matriculated undergraduate students in the School of Business, including students doing a double degree with any other school recognised under the University, are automatic members of the Society.
3. Any person who does not fall within subsection (1) and (2) in this section, but who wishes to join the Society will have to submit a formal application to the Society’s Secretary and his/her eligibility will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Types of Membership
4. The various forms of memberships available are as follows:
a) Executive: All members elected into and in service in the Management Committee.
b) Executive Elect: Members whose roles and responsibilities are similar to that of Executive members but without voting rights in internal management issues. Includes the incoming Management Committee members before the official handover.
c) Co-opt Executive: Members co-opted into service by the Management Committee, whose roles and responsibilities are similar.
d) Sub-Committee: Members who are actively involved in the organisation of the Society’s permanent activities but not in management issues.
e) Alumni: All registered members with a Business Management Undergraduate or Graduate degree.
f) Associate: All matriculated Business Graduate students, faculty, and staff whose names are registered and recorded in the Society’s Register of Members.
g) Normal: All other automatic members who do not fall under any of the previous categories.
h) Voluntary: All other members not directly affiliated with the School of Business, who do not fall under any of the previous categories and whose names are registered and recorded in the Society’s Register of Members.
Membership Rights
5. The respective membership rights are as follows:
General Members’ Rights: Voting rights and the right to speak at all General Meetings of the Society unless explicitly stated. Voting Rights for the election of the Management Committee and all other matters deemed reasonable by the Management Committee unless explicitly stated; Attendance at the Annual General Meeting participation of all events organised by the Society. Access to the Society’s constitution.
Executive: Voting rights for the internal election of the Management Committee Execution of all activities deemed reasonable for the day-to-day management of the Society’s activities.
Executive Elect: Execution of all activities deemed reasonable for the day-to-day management of the Society’s activities. Participation in discussions of management issues but with no voting rights.
Co-opt Executives: Voting rights for the internal election of the Management Committee Execution of all activities deemed reasonable for the day-to-day management of the Society’s activities.
Co-Opt Deputy Executive: Members co-opted into service by the Management Committee, whose roles and responsibilities are similar, but with no voting rights.
Sub-Committee: Execution of all activities deemed reasonable for the organisation of the Society’s activities under the Society’s name, as decided upon on a case-by-case basis by the Management Committee.
Alumni: Participation in sponsorship and relevant supporting activities deemed suitable, reasonable and aligned with the interest and objects of the Society by the Management Committee.
Associate: All general members’ rights except for voting rights
Membership Application
6. Any person who does not qualify for automatic membership, but who wishes to join the Society should submit his or her request to the Society’s Honorary General Secretary in writing which has been duly signed by the applicant.
7. The Management Committee will hold a monthly meeting to review such applications when applicable.
(a) This meeting can be held concurrently with meetings called to resolve other outstanding issues.
(b) Resolutions may be passed via electronic means when there is unanimous consent pertaining to the reviews.
8. Applicants will be notified of their application results via email or by any means of communication deemed suitable for this purpose, not more than a week after the review.
ARTICLE 5 – The Management Committee
1. The Management Committee shall consist of the following:
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) Honorary Financial Secretary (Treasurer)
(d) Honorary General Secretary
(e) Corporate Relations Director
(f) Marketing Director
(g) Communications Director
(h) Event Director(s) (up to 2)
(i) Academic Development Director
(j) Welfare Director
(k) Operations Director
(l) Business Development Director
(m) Human Resource Director
2. The Management Committee will be elected in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.
3. The President of the Management Committee will hold a concurrent post of a member in the University’s Students’ Association Council. The President’s duties are however primarily to the Society.
4. All except the Honorary Financial Secretary (Treasurer) shall be eligible for reappointment.
5. The Management Committee shall have power to:
(a) Make, amend and repeal standing orders as may from time to time be necessary to give effect to the objects of the Society set out in Article 3, through a simple majority vote by the Management Committee.
(b) Appoint such standing or other committees as are necessary for the proper administration of its activities.
(c) Exercise control over all management and administration issues deemed reasonably in the interest of the members of the Society and to give effect to the objects of the Society set out in Article 3, subject to the provisions of the Societies Act unless exempted there from.
(d) Accept the resignation of any member of the Society and any other committee appointed and cause such vacancies to be filled in accordance with the provisions in this Constitution (Article 9).
(e) Co-opt up to 3 members of the Society to attend its management meetings.
(f) Initiate such disciplinary action against any member who has:
i. Acted in any manner detrimental to the Society; or ii. Contravened any of the Articles of this Constitution; or iii. Contravened any of the rules of the Society that may be in force for an interim period.
(g) Employ, control and dismiss external services and personnel for matters pertaining to the Society.
(h) Use their discretion as a group to pass a resolution on any matters that affect the welfare of its members but are not provided for in this Constitution.
Term of Office
6. The Management Committee shall hold office from the official handover date until the official handover date of the next Committee in the following calendar year. The official handover date shall be the first day of every calendar year. 
7. Elections for the Management Committee members according to the provisions set out in Article 7 shall be:
(a) Held across the membership of the Society; and
(b) Conducted for membership in the Management Committee and not for the specific offices in the Management Committee.
8. Elections to the various offices in the Management Committee shall be carried out pursuant to Article 8.
9. Elections to the various offices in the Management Committee must be completed by the end of the tenth week of the new academic year.
ARTICLE 6 – Duties and Powers of Office-Bearers
1. President
(a) The President shall oversee the day-to-day coordination of all the Society’s events and/or activities.
(b) The President shall approve all payments and the annual report of the Society.
(c) The President shall represent the Society at meetings of the Students’ Council.
(d) The President may represent the Society in all its internal and external dealings with third parties, using the name of the Society.
(e) The President or any person officiating as Chairman of the Management Committee shall have a casting vote at meetings of the Management Committee at which he or she presides.
(f) The President shall have the right to call meetings of the Management Committee and of Sub-Committees.
2. Vice-President
(a) The Vice-President shall assist the President in his or her duties and deputise for him in his or her absence or with his or her consent.
(b) The Vice-President shall assist the President to oversee the management of SubCommittees within the Society.
(c) The Vice-President shall succeed the President for the remainder of the President’s term of office in the event of the latter’s position falling vacant.
3. Honorary Financial Secretary (Treasurer)
(a) The Honorary Financial Secretary shall be the main contact person for all issues regarding the Society’s budget or financial matters.
(b) The Honorary Financial Secretary shall:
i. Prepare and present on behalf of the Society the provisional budget for the term of his or her official term in office, generally taken to be one academic year;
ii. Keep a record of the Society’s accounts;
iii. Receive on behalf of the Society any reimbursements or cash advancements;
iv. Receive from the relevant department and present on the behalf of the Society, the audited statement of income and expenditure and balance sheet of the previous year for the Society’s information; and
v. Sign and submit all bills of the Society which have been countersigned by the Society’s President or Vice-President, for payment by the Office of Finance.
(c) The Honorary Financial Secretary shall oversee:
i. Procedures for use of funds and internal controls;
ii. Management of seed funding; and
iii. The disbursement of funds.
4. Honorary General Secretary
(a) The Honorary General Secretary shall:
i. Take charge of the Society’s records and assist in the internal and external correspondence of the Society;
ii. Keep and maintain the register of all members of the Society; and
iii. Be responsible for the archiving and maintenance of all records of meetings.
(b) The Honorary General Secretary shall assist in all administrative matters when required, pertaining to the organisation of all the Society’s events and/or activities.
(c) The Honorary General Secretary shall be in charge of ensuring that notices of meetings are communicated within the stipulated time.
5. Corporate Relations Director
(a) The Corporate Relations Director shall be responsible for: i. All external and internal liaison with relevant parties; and ii. All publicity and media related activities.
(b) The Corporate Relations Director shall also be responsible for the sourcing of sponsorships and all related matters for the Society.
6. Marketing Director
(a) The Marketing Director shall be the main coordinator of all promotional initiatives that are to be carried out. He/she shall work closely with the Communications Director in coming up with the relevant distribution materials.
(b) The Marketing Director shall have to ensure that all publicity materials are in line with the Society’s image and reputation.
(c) The Marketing Director shall also look into the design and creative aspect of the Society’s publicity and/or distribution materials.
7. Communications Director
(a) The Communications Director shall be in charge of maintaining the Society’s external communication platforms, including but not limited to the noticeboard, website, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter and magazine.
(b) The Communications Director shall solicit and consolidate feedback regularly from all members of the Society, and subject to the discretion of the committee, action will be taken where necessary.
8. Event Director(s)
(a) The Event Director(s) shall oversee events Sub-Committee (direct reporting):
i. Regular events – Events that are organised by the Society on an annual basis; and
ii. “Special” events – Ad hoc one-time mega events.
(b) The Events Director(s) shall oversee running of events, working with Sub-Committee head(s) to coordinate events from conception to execution (including all necessary preparations, recruitment of volunteers, funding, publicity).
9. Academic Development Director
(a) The Academic Development Director shall spearhead the Society’s academic and professional development initiatives.
(b) The Academic Development Director shall be responsible for the academic/professional related information on the website, including but not limited to updating and adding new articles.
(c) The Academic Development Director shall also:
i. Handle academic queries from the general student population;
ii. Conduct regular academic surveys to garner student feedback; and
iii. Engage the area coordinators of all business majors.
10. Welfare Director
(a) The Welfare Director shall be responsible for the welfare efforts of the Society, including but not limited to welfare drives, name tent drives and freshmen welcome packs.
(b) The Welfare Director shall also be in charge of the recruitment and coordination of members that will take part in the Inter-Faculty Games.
11. Operations Director
(a) The Operations Director shall manage operational relations with all stakeholders including but not limited to the Association, University, other constituent bodies and external vendors.
(b) The Operations Director shall oversee overall operations of the Society’s activities. He or she shall work closely with the Event Director(s) to manage the Sub-Committee to coordinate operations from conception to execution.
(c) The Operations Director shall oversee all safety and security related activities.
(d) The Operations Director shall be in charge of the Society’s logistics and inventory.
11. Business Development Director
(a) The Business Development Director shall oversee all matters regarding Bondue Merchandise, including but not limited to, Back-to-School Merchandise Sales and merchandise sold at Bondue’s annual events.
(b) The Business Development Director shall work closely with the Honorary Financial Secretary to handle financial matters related to the sale of Bondue Merchandise.
(c) The Business Development Director shall work closely with the Marketing Director to manage the design and ensure branding consistency of Bondue’s Merchandise.
11. Human Resource Director
(a) The Human Resource Director shall oversee all matters regarding the Sub-Committee recruitment for Bondue’s annual events and/or Ad hoc one-time events.
(b) The Human Resource Director shall work closely with the Event Director(s) on interview requirements.
(c) The Human Resource Director shall assist the Honorary General Secretary on administrative matters regarding the Society’s proceedings.
ARTICLE 7 – Election Process for Management Committee
Composition of Elections Committee
1. The Elections Committee shall be appointed by the outgoing Management Committee.
2. Each Elections Committee shall consist of the following:
(a) A Returning Officer who shall be the Chairman of the Committee; and
(b) Two Elections Officers who shall assist the Returning Officer.
Duties and Power of the Elections Committee
3. The Returning Officer of the Elections Committee shall announce the place at which members of the Society may receive the nomination papers, and the time, date and place at which the members will submit the completed nomination papers.
4. The Returning Officer may reject any nomination paper that does not comply with the provisions of this Article and shall serve upon such person a Notice of Rejection one day after the close of the nominations. Such a notice shall be deemed to have been served when the List of Nominees is displayed on the Notice Boards.
5. The Returning Officer shall be in charge of the Ballot with the assistance of the Elections Committee.
6. Members of the Elections Committee shall not themselves:
(a) Propose or second any candidate;
(b) Campaign for any candidate;
(c) Vote for any candidate; and
(d) Stand for election for the Management Committee.
7. The Returning Officer and the Elections Committee are empowered to exercise their discretion as and when it is necessary.
Nomination of Elections Candidate
8. Only members of the Society, who will be in Singapore and remain a fully matriculated undergraduate for at least one academic year, shall be eligible to hold office in the Management Committee.
9. No member of the Society shall concurrently serve on both the Executive Committee of the University’s Students’ Association and the Management Committee of the Society.
10. Each candidate must stand for election as an individual and must not associate himself with any other candidate standing for elections.
11. Banners and posters are only allowed at specific locations or at certain times as determined by the Elections Committee.
12. Any poster or banner without the prior approval of the Director of Student Life or which bears defamatory remarks towards other candidates will be removed.
13. Any candidate who passes defamatory remarks towards other candidates shall be disqualified.
14. Aggressive campaigning deemed intrusive to students, staff and faculty is strictly prohibited. This includes touting, defacement of public/school property and the indiscriminate placement of posters without prior permission.
Conduct of Elections
15. The final vote count for each nominee will be a weighted average calculated in the following manner: i. 70% of the final vote count being votes from members of the Society, conducted by secret balloting; and ii. 30% of the votes being votes from the outgoing Management Committee, based on an interview conducted by the outgoing Management Committee.
16. Balloting shall take place not earlier than seven days and not later than twenty-five days after the first nominations close. The time, date and place for such ballot shall be announced via the communications channel deemed most suitable for this purpose, by the Returning Officer.
17. A maximum of 12 Management Committee members will be elected out of up to 25 successful nominees.
18. In the event that there are more than 25 eligible nominees, the Management Committee shall by majority vote, reduce the number of nominees to 25.
19. Every member shall have one vote to each seat during the election of office-bearers.
20. No lobbying for votes in any manner is allowed outside the campaigning period.
21. Should voting be done physically, the place and time of the counting of votes should be made known to all members of the Society. Only authorised personnel as prescribed by the Elections Committee shall be allowed in the counting room.
22. The top scoring nominees, subject to Article 7(15), who also garner at least 5% (or at least 4% if there are 20 or more nominees) of the total votes cast, will form the incoming management committee. In the case where there are insufficient nominees to fill up all office-bearer positions, the remaining position(s) can be co-opted on top of the original limit as mentioned in Preamble(6) and Article 5(5e).
23. The number of required nominees will be determined by the outgoing Management Committee.
24. Where the votes of the candidates are equal, the outgoing Management Committee shall decide this casting vote by a simple majority of votes taken at a Management Committee meeting.
25. The Returning Officer shall officially announce to all members the results of the elections immediately after the votes have been counted. Such results shall be made known to all members of the Society via any communications channel deemed most suitable for this purpose, by the Returning Officer.
ARTICLE 8 – Election to Various Offices
1. The meeting to elect the incoming Management Committee into the various offices shall be convened and chaired by the President of the outgoing Management Committee, no later than the tenth week of the term of the new academic year.
2. The first item on the agenda shall be the election of executive elects into the various officebearer positions set out in Article 6 within the executive committee and any other office-bearer position as required by the incoming Management Committee. This will be presided by the President of the outgoing Management Committee.
3. Election will be either by a secret balloting or, subject to the agreement of the majority of the voting members present, by show of hands. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
4. In the period after actual elections of the incoming Management Committee and the elections to Various Offices, members elected into the incoming Management Committee shall hold pro-temp positions and assist the out-going Management Committee in their various responsibilities until the official handover.
ARTICLE 9 – Cessation of Executive Membership
1. A member of the Management Committee shall cease to be an executive member if before the expiry of his/her term of office:
(a) He/she resigns from the Committee with approval via special resolution (75% majority votes) of the Management Committee members – Voluntary Resignation; or
(b) A vote of no confidence (50% majority votes of those present at and with the right to vote) is passed on him/her at a General Meeting – Vote of no confidence; or
(c) He/she is absent from three meetings without valid reasons. Validity of reasons for absence shall be determined via a simple majority vote of the Management Committee.
2. Process for Voluntary Resignation
(a) Any Management Committee office-bearer resigning his or her office shall tender his or her resignation in writing and shall not be deemed to have resigned until his resignation is accepted.
(b) Resignations should be handed in at least one month before the proposed date of cessation of duties.
(c) Resignations shall be tendered to the Honorary General Secretary of the Management Committee and shall be communicated to all Executive and Executive Elect members of the Society. It must include: i. Reason(s) for resignation; and ii. Proposed effective date of resignation.
(d) Any Sub-Committee member, who wishes to resign, shall hand in his or her resignation to the Management Committee through the head of the Sub-Committee on which he or she is a member of.
3. Process for Vote of No Confidence
(a) Members making up at least 5% of those with normal voting rights or 30 such members whichever figure is lower or at least 5% of Executive, Executive Elect and Sub-Committee members, who wish for a Management Committee member to resign from office will have to call for and hold an extraordinary meeting specifically for this issue via the Management Committee by submitting such an appeal to the Honorary General Secretary.
(b) The Management Committee will have to call for an extraordinary meeting when such an appeal is submitted unless it is clear that the appeal is discriminatory or of a fastidious nature.
(c) Notice to all members of the Society will have to be given no less than 14 days prior to the meeting.
(d) Resolution for a vote of no confidence shall be passed via a special resolution.
ARTICLE 10 – Role of Club Advisor(s)
1. The Society’s advisor(s) will primarily:
(a) Advise/Provide guidance to the Management Committee and/or the Society’s sub-committees on matters pertaining to the running and organisation of the Society’s activities;
(b) Advise and/or assist the Society on the appropriate personnel to contact and/or to liaise with for its activities;
(c) Offer advice on proper protocol(s) to adhere to; and
(d) Oversee the activities run by the Society and ensure that rules and regulations as set out in the Constitution have been abided by.
ARTICLE 11 – Finances
1. All student activities fees shall be paid by the Society’s members to the Office of Finance.
2. Any income received by the Society shall be paid by the Honorary Financial Secretary to the Office of Finance for credit to the appropriate account.
3. Any application for grants and funding shall be subject to endorsement by the Student Association Council and shall be submitted by the Honorary Financial Secretary to the Office of Student Life for approval.
4. The Society and/or its sub-committees shall, before making any collections on behalf of the Society, obtain approval from the University for such collection. All funds collected shall be paid by the Honorary Financial Secretary to the Office of Finance for credit to the appropriate account.
5. Two annual budget proposals must be prepared by the Honorary Financial Secretary for the academic year in which he or she is elected to manage: i) Student Association Council (SAC) Budget; and ii) Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB) Budget.
SAC Budget
6. The SAC Budget must be submitted to the Office of Student Life for approval and funding.
7. The Society’s SAC Budget shall be for a period of 12 months, starting from 1 January.
8. All bills of expenditure of the Society and any of its committees properly accrued in accordance with the approved SAC Budget shall be prepared by the Honorary Financial Secretary, countersigned by the Society’s President, and submitted to the Student Association Honorary Financial Secretary who will endorse and forward all such bills to the Office of Finance for payment.
LKCSB Budget
9. The LKCSB Budget must be submitted to the School of Business for approval and funding.
10.The Society’s LKCSB Budget shall be for a period of 12 months, starting from 1 April.
11.All bills of expenditure of the Society and any of its committees properly accrued in accordance with the approved LKCSB Budget shall be prepared by the Honorary Financial Secretary, countersigned by the Society’s President, and submitted to the Club Advisor of the School of Business who will endorse and forward all such bills to the Office of Finance for payment.
ARTICLE 12 – Management of Vacant Offices
1. A vacancy on any office in any of the Sub-Committees arising from any cause shall be filled in the manner appropriate to the vacancy.
2. In the case of a vacancy arising on the Management Committee,
(a) The Vice-President shall succeed the President for the remainder of the President’s term of office in the event of the latter’s position falling vacant.
(b) The Assistant Management Committee or Sub-Committee member (if available) shall succeed the vacant position for the remaining term of office.
(c) Notwithstanding sub-section 2(a) and 2(b) of this section, the Management Committee may decide to reallocate the various duties and assume the responsibilities previously under the care of the Management Committee member vacating his or her office for a duration deemed appropriate.
(d) Where the vacancy involves the President of the Management Committee, the Management Committee members shall nominate a replacement to the Students’ Association Council.
ARTICLE 13 – Meetings
Annual General Meeting
1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held by the end of February each year, with the following agenda:
(a) The Presidential Address;
(b) The Annual Report;
(c) The audited statement of income and expenditure and balance sheet for the previous academic year;
(d) The budget approved by the Office of Student Life for the periods 1 January of the current year to 31 December of the ensuing year; and
(e) Any other matter of which notice in writing has been given to the Honorary General Secretary at least 96 hours before the meeting.
2. Notice of the Annual General Meeting together with a provisional agenda, shall be communicated to the Society’s members by electronic mail or any other channel deemed most appropriate by the Management Committee, not less than seven days before the date of the meeting.
3. Any business for inclusion in the final agenda shall be handed in, in writing by any two members, to the Honorary General Secretary, not less than 96 hours before the time of the meeting.
4. Quorum:
(a) Five percent or eighty Members of the Association, whichever is the lower, shall form a quorum for an Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting.
(b) If within forty minutes from the time appointed for a General Meeting a quorum is not present, the General Meeting shall be adjourned to a day not less than three days and not more than one week from the date of the original General Meeting.
(c) No amendments shall be made to the agenda of the original General Meeting during the period of adjournment.
(d) At the adjourned meeting, no quorum of Members shall be required provided that an adjourned meeting without the necessary quorum shall not have the power to amend this Constitution.
Management Committee Meeting
5. Meetings held shall be either Ordinary or Extraordinary.
6. Ordinary meetings by the Management Committee shall be held at least once a month, when deemed appropriate by the executive committee of the Management Committee. 7. Extraordinary meetings shall be held when:
(a) Matters requiring urgent attention arise (the Management Committee shall determine whether there are matters requiring urgent attention); or
(b) A written request for such a meeting is proposed and approved by any member of the Management Committee.
8. Only matters for which the extraordinary meeting was convened shall be discussed.
9. The Honorary General Secretary shall give at least three days’ notice for both ordinary and extraordinary meetings unless he or she decides that the urgency of the agenda requires shorter notice.
10. At least fifty percent of the existing members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.
11. Any member of the Management Committee who absents himself from more than two-thirds of the total time in three successive meetings, ordinary or extraordinary, or the Management Committee without a valid explanation shall automatically cease to be a member of the Management Committee.
12. Any member of the Management Committee who intends to absent himself for a period longer than 15 minutes from the proceedings of any meeting of the Management Committee may only do so with a valid reason and at the permission of the chairman at the council meeting.
13. The President of the Management Committee shall chair all meetings of the Management Committee except where the Management Committee or the President for whatever reason elects another Management Committee member present to chair the meeting.
ARTICLE 14 – Discipline
1. All members shall be bound by the existing Articles of the Constitution and by such Standing Orders as may be in force with the approval of the Office of Student Life.
2. A member shall face disciplinary actions if his or her action(s) are deemed to be disruptive to the Society’s daily operations, defamatory to the Society’s reputation and/or a violation the University’s code of conduct.
3. Any disciplinary action commenced against a member of the Society shall be reported to the Office of Student Life.
4. The Management Committee shall take any form of disciplinary action deemed appropriate in the circumstances, after a warning has been issued to the offending member.
ARTICLE 15 – Dissolution
1. Proposed dissolution of the Society would be subject to special resolution by the Management Committee before an official proposal is made to the University Student Life Committee.
2. The Society may not be dissolved except by the resolution of the University Student Life Committee.
ARTICLE 16 – Alteration of Articles
1. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, the Articles in the Constitution may be altered by special resolution by all members present and with voting rights.
2. Proposed changes of the Articles take effect immediately upon passing of the resolution and subsequent approval by the USLC.